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Contributions to the Napier Initiative support three specific programs:

  • The Napier Awards for Creative Leadership:  In 2021-2022 will fund two $20,000 Awards.

  • Intergenerational Napier courses enroll undergraduates from all five Claremont Colleges and elders in a learning partnership on vocations for social change.

  • The intergenerational mentoring program links Napier Fellows interested in exploring vocations for social change with elders at Pilgrim Place who's life experience supported fostering justice for all people, caring for our fragile Earth home, and nurturing peace and reconciliation.

Gifts may be paid over period of time of up to five years.

To set this up, please contact the VP of Advancement, directly at 909.399.5511

Pilgrim Place is a 501(c)3 institution. All contributions are tax-deductible.

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