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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I become a Napier Fellow?
A: Each undergraduate Claremont College may nominate up to three graduating seniors (December 2024 - May 2025 or December 2025) to become Napier Fellows.  Fellowships include mentoring by Pilgrim Place residents and an opportunity to compete for post-graduation awards. [See Overview in the Fellowships section of this website.] All Fellows become members of a network of 5C graduates who are committed to working for a just, peaceful, and sustainable world. Fellows are encouraged to maintain communication with each other for ideas, information, and mutual support as they pursue their vocational goals.

​Q: What is Napier intergenerational mentoring?
A: This intergenerational mentoring program links Napier Fellows with elders at Pilgrim Place who are committed to fostering justice for all people, caring for the earth, or nurturing peace and reconciliation for friendship and networking.  Napier Fellows are expected to participate fully in the mentoring program.  Students and mentors mutually agree on frequency, content, and means of their conversations.  The mentoring relationship can be valuable both for the students and the mentors, and Fellows have found this aspect of the program enriching and supportive. 

Q: Can I apply for a Napier Fellowship or Award directly to the Napier Initiative at Pilgrim Place?
A: No.  Applications must be submitted directly to the faculty/staff liaison at the undergraduate Claremont College where the student is enrolled.​

Q: How can I know if my particular vocational passion and project proposal fit with the intentions of the Napier Fellowships and Awards?

A: The Napier Initiative refrains from giving detailed guidelines. Successful applicants come from a wide variety of backgrounds and have a variety of vocational and avocational pursuits within the broad arena of leadership in the quest for a just, peaceful, and sustainable world. You may wish to discuss your ideas with the designated faculty or staff liaison at the Claremont College where you are enrolled. Also refer to who is eligible and selection criteria for applicants in the ‘Fellowships’ section of the Napier web and browse the ‘Past Fellows’ section for examples of past projects.​

Q: When will I know about whether my application has been accepted?
A: Each college has a process for reviewing the applications and submits up to three nominees to Pilgrim Place for consideration. Students will be notified by their college about the status of their submission.  

Q: Can two students submit a joint application?

A:  Yes. Students should follow the directions under ‘How to Apply.’  Students enrolled at two different Claremont Colleges submit their application to only one college and follow the established process for that college.​

Q: If I receive a Paul M. Minus Napier Award, may I accept another award or scholarship at the same time?
A: Yes, as long as the Napier project is carried out within fifteen months after graduation.

​Q: How are Awardees selected?

A: Fellowship applications submitted to Pilgrim Place include project proposals which are reviewed by a selection panels of Pilgrim Place elders who have life-long experience in working toward social change, both here in the U.S. and abroad. All applicants will be interviewed by members of the Pilgrim Place panels. At the end of the first round of interviews, some applicants may be invited for a second interview. Applicants will be informed of their status in advance of the annual Celebration, at which all Fellows are honored.

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