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Plans for 2022-2023


During the 2022-2023 academic year, the Pilgrim Place community will offer two $20,000 Napier Awards for Creative Leadership to graduating seniors at the five undergraduate Claremont Colleges. The Awards were established as a memorial to Davie and Joy Napier, longtime residents of Pilgrim Place, who in earlier years had remarkable careers as prophetic advocates for a just, peaceful and sustainable world.

The Awards will be given to graduating seniors who demonstrate outstanding leadership in fostering justice for all people, caring for our fragile earth home, and nurturing peace and reconciliation. Each of the five colleges will nominate up to three students for the Awards. All students nominated by the schools will be named Napier Fellows and will have the opportunity for a mentoring relationship with Pilgrim Place residents having a significant vocational affinity with the nominees. Award recipients will be chosen from the nominees by a selection panel at Pilgrim Place.

The Napier Initiative is a relational program which links students with elders whose lifetime of experience in fostering justice for all people, caring for our fragile Earth home and nurturing peace and reconciliation has an affinity with the student's proposed project.  All Fellows and Mentors will meet together on designated occasions to get acquainted and explore mutual interests. 

Pilgrim Place is home to some 350 men and women, most of whom had careers as leaders of a variety of religious and non-profit, charitable organizations in the United States and around the world.  Many of them have had long careers and wide experiences in the quest for a just, peaceful, and a sustainable world.

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